Experimental results

An extra source of energy for seeds at the time of sowing

As an outcome of carbon transformation test, huminSOIL significantly increases the respirational capacity of soil, compared to unhandled control. This means that respiration of the soil (which is actually the life activity of soil-dwelling micro-organisms) increases as the result of treatment. This stimulating effect is extremely strong in the two weeks after usage (200% on the 7th day and 118% on the 14th day – at a 6 litre/Ha dosage), so used at seeding, it provides a considerably higher level of power for germinative seeds.

Based on the results of the cellulose test, compared to unhandled control soil, the process of breaking down cellulose became almost 20% higher in a soil sample  handled with huminSOIL (at a dosage of 1,5 litre/Ha).